Amateur Radio Elmer (Mentor) Project - Status Update

Amateur Radio Elmer (Mentor) Project - Status Update

A project started many years ago, with hopes that I may have been able to promote and get the buy in or support of others, a FREE support system for “New” Amateur Radio operators.

some five years later update, today May 2022

How do I get an amateur radio license?

How do I get an amateur radio license?
How To Get Your Canadian Ham License
Short Link here :

HAM Radio Elmer Project - HOW IT WORK

HAM Radio Elmer Project - HOW IT WORK


You need help in HAM Radio, this website coordinate you and a volunteer(s) to help, using voice chat tools like ZELLO or TEAM VIEWER.  This is not a paid service so it is a best effort !

Elmer (Mentor) List - volunteers - TBA here

About and Purpose

HAM Operator Support

HAM Operator Support

At the website HAM Radio Elmer - Amateur Radio we have always felt that the local radio club is where the learning takes place.  The local radio club is where the newcomer begins the journey of discovery and the seasoned veteran keeps informed of the latest technology. Regardless of where we are on our ham radio journey our local radio club is where we find our friends.

Construction VIDEO 2m Copper J Pole antenna

2m Copper J Pole antenna

This is the construction VIDEO of a copper cactus style j pole antenna. I noticed that the mic on my new camera pics up sound a little to good, so the torch is perhaps a little on the loud sided. I hope you all enjoy this video and I hope it it helps you out and any questions you may have. If you have any questions please feel free to post them and I will reply asap. I have recently tested this antenna on my Wouxun KG-UV6DV2 and it works GREAT! I was in my basement even and was hitting towers that were between 15-25 miles away. I am very impressed and can't wait to get it installed outside on the house.